Know your friends well? Think again. Everybody knows but they won’t tell.
Pass It On is the app to stay up to date with gossips around you and your close circle (contact list).
Live, accessible, and best of all 100% anonymous.
Who did what, who’s with whom, are you being watched? Its all about you, your friends, colleagues and everyone close to you. Dont be the last one to know this time.
How it works?
1 - Write your gossip
2 - Tag who this could be
3 - Send
Its much more than that?
* Tap "Pass it on if you know who a gossip is about
* See gossips, NEARBY, LATEST and VIRAL (most tagged)
* TAGGED and check gossips spread within your contact list. You can see them only once !
* Create a gossip with or without picture as a proof
* You have been tagged ! No stress but dont wait, Pass it on immediately and get rid of it
* Comment gossips
* Edit and change your Alias whenever you want
* Edit and change your Avatar whenever you want
* Edit or delete a Gossip if you are spotted (!)
* Invite your close friends
* Express yourself with a different font
Pass It On or you maybe the last one to know?
Pass It On respects your privacy and will never reveal your Alias.
Expired Gossips are deleted.